
In an era marked by environmental challenges and the urgent need for change, sustainability has become a fundamental element for our society. Our approach to sustainability is multifaceted. It begins with the integration of sustainable practices throughout our operations, from resource management and energy efficiency to waste reduction and responsible sourcing strategy. By working together with transparency, we can create a ripple effect that positively impacts the entire ecosystem. Blue Lift embrace the opportunity to reshape our world for the better.

Employee engagement

A culture of sustainability has been spread within our organization. Our team takes part in sustainability activities and contribute to this effort on daily basis.

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)

Sustainable aviation fuel, or SAF, is a cleaner substitute for conventional aircraft fuel reducing. Having similar characteristics to traditional jet fuel kerosene, SAF can reduce emissions up to 100% and is already being used on many flights. 

Collaboration with NetZero

We are partering up with NetZero who has the mission to bring the biochar at scale in the tropics. Biochar is essentially solid atmospheric carbon extracted from residual plant matter and buried in the soil which result in carbon removal from the atmosphere.

Ecovadis platform

Blue Litf is engaging with Ecodis which is the world’s most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings which will allow us to monitor and improve our sustainability performance.

Together, we care better of our planet... #beblue

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